Equal Opportunities
The life of a college is enriched by the diversity of it's students and staff. In order, to guarantee that diversity is valued and recognised as positive and valuable, Leeds College of Technology has the following Equal Opps statement. This can also be found in your handbook.
Our Students
Leeds College of Technology positively welcomes people from as many and as varied backgrounds as possible.
The college has students and staff from every ethnic community in the region. We have students who are wheel-chair users or who have other disabilities.
We have students who are married; who are single parents; who are gay; who are bisexual. Our students' ages range from 16 to 70.
So college gives you the opportunity to get to know a whole range of people who you may not have a chance to meet in your everyday life. We hope you make the most of it. We know that it will make your education richer and more exciting.
Our Equal Opportunities Commitment
The college's services will be equally given to all whatever their race, religion, gender, class, marital status, sexual orientation, age or disability.
This means that:
- you will receive equal treatment with everyone else. At the same time, as far as possible
- you will not be indirectly discriminated against because your personal circumstances do not allow you to fit in with the general rules
(Some examples of what this means : The college will avoid setting examinations during important religious festivals; The college will take into account childcare commitments when arranging timetables.)
- all reasonable steps will be taken to make sure that a physical disability does not stop you from taking a course
- you will not suffer from discrimination or harassment when at college (for details of the college's Harassment policy, look under the heading ‘Harassment’)
- classroom materials (handouts, books used) will be unbiased
- you will be assessed fairly and your special needs will be taken into account (e.g. if you are dyslexic, you can ask for extra time for your examinations)
What do you need to do if you think that you have been unfairly treated?
In the first instance, talk to your course tutor. His or her job is to help you sort out these problems. If you have tried this and are still not satisfied or if you do not wish to talk to your course tutor, then
- At the city centre site ,speak to Vivian Lister in room C23 ( tel. 2976474)
- At South Leeds , speak to Anne Reed .( Tel. 2979430)
- At East Bank , speak to Bill Lynch (Tel. 2977290 )
This provides a snapshot of the Equal Opps work the college does - clearly, it's far more wide ranging than this short statement illustrates.
Your place of employment must also have an Equal Opps policy and statement - it's the law.
Get hold of a copy of your Equal Opps policy and add it to your portfolio. Note down anything that surprises you by being included or being missed out. Consider also the additional work and staff training your organisation carries out to ensure that equal opps procedures are followed.
You can post your comments below if you wish.
Another one done
Fab - thanks. I've posted some new responses for you. Thanks for being so committed Andy :)
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