Personal and Professional Development

Monday, March 26, 2007

Final Deadlines

Dear all,

The end is in sight! We're finally coming to the end of PPD 1 and 2. Hopefully, you've all had a chance to read through the material for PPD2 and realised that it doesn't require that much work. The Development Plan, with the exception of the target setting bit, is really just to ensure that your portfolio is well organised. If you complete the bits and pieces and submit them, either through your blog or in hard copy, I can structure your portfolio for you. Also, if you've begun the short report and want me to proof-read, offer some guidance etc. then I'll be happy to do that. I'll put an example assignment up on Moodle for you to see what kind of thing is expected.

The final deadline for the module will be week commencing May 7th. I've set this slightly early as it will allow me to get feedback to you, chase up any work that is missing and give you some time to make amendments if needs be. I want to ensure that you get the best grade you possibly can so please try to meet this deadline.

As ever, email me or contact me via Moodle if you've got any problems and I'll see what I can do.



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